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Emerald Investment Nicaragua

Puntaje 46%

Información de contacto

  • Tola
    Salinas de Nahualapa, Las, Nicaragua
  • Teléfono de la empresa
    00505 89293127
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  • Teléfono móvil
    00505 89293127
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Acerca del vendedor

ID Usuario: 12281115

Cuenta creada: 02/03/21 (3 años, 3 meses)

Emerald Investment is an independently owned and operated Real Estate company with close ties to our local community and a comprehensive understanding of our market. Emerald Real State is located on the Emerald coast of Nicaragua. It encompassing real estate in Nicaragua, Popoyo, hacienda iguana, Granada and also real estate in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. Moreover, We are here to help you with all of your real estate needs whether you are looking to buy or sell in the area. We will provide you Nicaragua real estate for sale by owner himself/herself meeting directly with you. Leer más

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